How to identify if a Testimony Wall or Space is live or not

Knowledge base > Testimony wall > How to identify if a Testimony Wall or Space is live or not

This article gives you information on how to identify if a Testimony Wall or Space is live or not on SocialTestimony

Identify if a Testimony Wall or Space is live or not

Social Testimony is designed to be intuitive by itself, and as such most options are just a click away.

Follow the below steps :

  1. Login to Social Testimony App.

  2. Go to option "Testimony Wall" on the Menu.

  3. Hover over the Testimony Wall you want to check.

  4. If the option on top left has "Pause" symbol it's in live mode, else it's in draft mode.

  5. Other way to check would be, just click on Testimony Wall you want to check.

  6. On the customization page, it will show the status of Testimony as Draft or Published.